Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Popular on the Christian tabloids.

So there's a lot of talk going around about Christians not being the way they should. I totally 100% agree with this. Many of us are not acting the way that we should. Being too strict about stuff and stuff like that.
Then I got thinking, what makes it right that these Christians who are saying that other "Christians" are so wrong? Should we really be talking about them like that? I'll admit, I was talking about it a lot. Really recently actually. Then it hit me, I know some people like this. I'm trying to keep this behind their backs. Isn't that just as wrong. It's very wrong. I mean, there's Christian liberty. Not everyone's going to agree on everything. Actually, nobody will ever agree on everything with another human being. It's fact. I mean, you go out and meet someone and talk about God and everything in the bible and if you agree on every aspect that there is known (granted the 2 of you know everything that is known) then you can come prove me wrong. But for now, I'm pretty positive that I'll never agree with someone on everything. And I'm okay with that. For all I know, I can be wrong on some things too. I know that I have the big picture right. God is the God of the universe; Jesus is His son; Jesus died on the cross for sinners like you and me; the virgin birth; the trinity. That's mostly it. That's all that really matters. Everything else I believe there is just error. WE learned about this at church. We did this class that I loved. It was taught by our pastor and it was awesome. I learned a ton. Anyways, he talked about "heresy" and "error". Basically, heresy is a belief that can lead people to hell. Telling someone they can work for their salvation, that's heresy. Error is something that can't lead people to hell, it's just a little off. I'm not going to give an example because I don't want anyone mad at me, but you know what I mean. Learning this helped me a lot in my Christian faith and ministry. Basically, we just need to spread the Gospel and preach it truly, and let people come to their own beliefs on the things that just don't matter as much as Jesus, like skirts at church and rock music. Personally, I'm not one for skirts and I am one for rock music. But if someone else is, then why should I try to convince them otherwise? The bible talks about these things. It says that if it defies your conscience, then don't do it. If it doesn't, then it's fine. Like music with curse words. I usually don't like to listen to it because I don't like the words pounding in my head. But if you don't mind it, and if it doesn't bother you like it bothers me, then I'll just let you listen. I don't care. I'm not saying that I don't care about people, I just don't care about little things like that. Now if you tell me you're on hard drugs, then I'll be worried haha. But I mean, it's just one of those things. I know people on both sides of the fence. I know what I believe about these things, so that's my beliefs. If you believe different, then that's cool too. I'm just saying what I believe. You know what I mean?
Okay, now time for the song. I'm still in Switchfoot/Jon Foreman/Fiction Family mode, so bear with me.

House of God Forever - Jono.

God is my shepherd
I won't be wanting
I won't be wanting
He makes me rest
In fields of green
With quite streams
Even though I walk
Through the valley
Of death and dying
I will not fear
'Cause you are with me
You are with me

Your shepherd staff
Comforts me
You are my feast
In the presence of enemy
Surely goodness
Follow me
Follow me
In the house of God, forever

God is my shepherd
I won't be wanting
I won't be wanting
He makes me rest
In fields of green
Like quiet streams
Even while I'm walking
Through the valley
Of death and dying
I will not fear
'Cause you are with me
You're always with me

Your shepherd staff
Comforts me
You are my feast
In the presence of enemy
Surely goodness
Follow me
Follow me
In the house of God, forever
In the house of God, forever
In the house of God, forever

I love that song. I want to be in the house of God forever. And I want you to be too.

1 comment:

hannah said...

i pretty much agree..
and mostly, i think we need to all look at ourselves first before we go pointing fingers.

as don miller says "nothing is going to change until we fix what we see in the mirror"