Thursday, June 26, 2008

The hard post.

So I was laying in bed last night and I was thinking hard. I have sinned against so many people, and have yet to say sorry to them. I felt so bad, I was about to just tear myself in two. So I asked God's forgiveness, then I came to the conclusion that I was going to do just this: apologize to everyone. Blog about it and make it public. This is going to be really hard and I have butterflies in my stomach right now. So I just ask that if you're on here to forgive me.

1. Christi - I haven't been the true friend that I ought to be. I don't like the blame to be on me so I shift it. It's not right and I apologize.

2. Amanda - I don't always talk nice about you and I have been really convicted about that for a long long time. I ask that you forgive me. I'm super sorry.

3. Lindsey - I took offense from your blog that you posted and I shouldn't have. There was nothing to be upset about. I was never angry I'll have you know. I just didn't respond properly and I am truly sorry.

4. My sisters - I can be really hard on you guys sometimes. Okay, a lot of times. And I am often times a hypocrite for doing so. I need to do the whole speck-plank-eye thing wayyyy more often than I do.

5. Connor - I have been really hard on you too many times. I shouldn't get all in your business. That my problem. I'm still praying for you. I'm sorry for giving you a hard time about things that aren't and of my business and I'm sorry.

6. Caleb - I think a lot of times I lay things on you thick. I'll come to you and just unload. If I'm mad at my parents, then I just unload all my emotion on you. That's really not right. I just need to go to God and have Him help me through it all.

7. Rebekah - Sometimes I'm not the friend that I should be. I give you a hard time about things. I have a tenancy to lecture. I'll be working on that. I'm sorry.

8. Gerry - I haven't been a good friend to you. I don't always say good things about you. I try hard, I really do, but the sin in me wins sometimes. I ask that you'll forgive me. I don't want to lose your friendship.

That's all I got for now. I'll probably come back with more, but for now, I'll leave it at that. That was really hard and I don't know the outcomes, but I think that it was good that it was said. I don't want to lose friendships, but God has been convicting me and the Holy Spirit has been working and when you sin, the outcomes are going to be bad. I hope everyone understands. Thanks for reading.


lindsay said...
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