Friday, June 6, 2008

Blue like jazz.

For those of you who know, that's a book. I've heard a lot about it, so I decided to check it out at the library. I like it. It's good, though I don't agree with the guy on all of his theology. I mean, I don't think he's a heretic, I just disagree on one little thing. He keeps saying that we need to "choose" to follow Jesus. I don't agree with that for a few little reasons. First, I believe that Jesus picks us first, not us choosing. Also, I don't believe that Jesus died for everyone. I know that sounds terrible, but if He died for everyone ever, then why are there people in hell? Did His work on the cross only help a little bit? No, in the cross He said "it is finished". So that's just a little disagreement I have with this guy, and I don't think he's going to hell for it.
So yeah, but other than that, I like a lot of what this guy has to say. I like what he says about how we should approach unbelievers and stuff. He's also talking about something that I relate with and that's how Christianity doesn't always feel real, like it's one's and zeros, a math problem. I like how he distinguishes that with Christian spirituality. That's really good.
I don't have time to type out a full blog, but I think this is good enough for now.
Plus, I'm starving.

1 comment:

hannah said...

I love that book. Quite a lot.

As for what you disagree about it...
The way I always understood it is this: Jesus chooses the ones that He knows will choose Him. So therefore, we *can* choose Him.

As for Jesus dying for everyone.. I do believe that He died for everyone. He gave a sacrificial gift. Some will choose to not recieve that gift, but the gift is still open for taking. The ones who don't take that gift, those are the ones that end up in Hell.

But yes, wonderful book. And you are allowed to disagree. =]