Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Change is something that has been on everybody's mind lately. A change in politics, government, education, the list goes on. Everyone is focusing on this revolution and making feeble attempts at shaping a better America. However, it seems that the change we should really be focusing on is nowhere in sight. What really needs transforming is us. The musician Jon Foreman once said "I don't think we can solve the outside problems until we solve the ones within". These words bear an abundant amount truth that we should apply into our everyday lives. The only way this world could become the place we want it to be is if that spark is lit in our own hearts. There was this spark of change in the hearts of all of history's finest men and women. People like Martin Luther King, Jr., George Washington, and the Pilgrims changed not only their worlds, but the rest of history. They did not settle with mediocrity and just getting by. Rather, they attacked the world, despite the rocks thrown at them, despite what people thought, and despite themselves. We must have this same mindset. The change most needed is the change in us. With that, we can make the world a better place.

1 comment:

Cell'o'ist said...

So so so true. Its a lot of people not wanting to chnage themselves though. I started a huge process of it back last summer and there are days I fell like I've made no progress.
Yes chnage is big-but it doesn't always mean its the RIGHT change.