Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My heart is darker than these oceans.

So right now, life is really good for me. I've spent the past few days surrounded by friends, I worked a bit today, I have a full stomach, I'm in nice, comfy clothes, I've got some rocking music playing, and I'm feeling good. I'm sure a lot of us could say that now, or at least have many times before. It's always times like these when I think...

About 98% of the world would like to be in my position right now. But instead, they are facing hardships and trials. They have to worry about food for the night, a place to sleep, and other things. These people are struggling, not just through the years, weeks, or days, but even hours and minutes. They have to worry about so many things that I don't. I know I can always get food, sleep in my bed, wear clean clothes, the simplest things that to us are necessities. We can't go a day without these things and we don't even think about it, because we don't have to. I couldn't even imagine about having to worry about all of these things all at once all the time. It's amazing how much God has blessed me. Even when I think everything is going wrong and everyone in the world hates me, I still have it so much better. I almost feel bad about it, that I'm spoiled. I have everything I need given to me freely. Thinking this way makes things seem much different...

Sometimes I start thinking that I deserve certain things. "Mom, you have to buy this for me! You're my mother!!" "Celeste, you have to do ______ for me because I did ________ for you!!" Things like that. But in all honesty, I don't deserve anything good at all, because I'm no good. The goodness in me is not of me, but of Jesus. If it weren't for Jesus, I would be nothing. The only thing that keeps me going is Him. I'm rotten and fallen, along with the rest of humanity, but I have it so dang good.

With all that said, pray for those who are struggling. Every bad situation you think you've had, someone else has had a thousand times worse. Pray for those people. They need it, and they need Jesus. The only One that is worthy of demanding your life.

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