Friday, January 2, 2009

Sometimes we need pills.

Wow, 2009 has got to be the most bipolar year ever, and it's day 2. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that, but I'm going to laugh. Ha ha ha.

Don't you hate it when things just don't seem to go right? Like with every good thing that there is, there has to be a bad to correspond with it? To even it out? It's as if the old eastern religion of Taoism bears some truth in such times. It's easy to get let down. To just give up all together and do nothing. Just sit and cry to yourself. Or have conversations with people in your head. Things that you want to say or would have said going on inside your head. Thinking of what that person might say back to you. Just to tell them why and how they hurt you so badly and to walk away from them as they seemed to have done to you. This happens more often then not. But every time I start thinking these things, it's like a little red flag goes off. "No, Cecelia", it says. "I know you know better than this. Don't do it. Do what's right. You know what's right. Do that". If you're a Christian, you know what I'm talking about. The Holy Spirit. Yup, God still talks to us. No matter how strange that may sound, He does in one way or another.

There are still times where I just want to tell someone exactly what I'm thinking and not care what they say back. Just to tell them how wrong they are for doing something or another. But thank God I know better.

Lately I've been learning a lot about patience and remaining calm. It gets very, very, very hard sometimes. I even cry at times. Sometimes I'll rant to myself. Listen to a song and think hard. I get so upset, a terrible combination of anger and grief, that I just want to go scream. "How DARE you say such a thing!" I might say. "The nerve to say this to me! Don't you know any better?! I know your parents taught you better than THAT!! I want an apology and I want it now. I have been hurt so bad and I deserve an apology from you! I tried to let this go, but you left the ringing in my ears. It's painful. The echoing in my head! I want a sincere apology, now! Or we won't be friends!!" Yeah, rants like this in my head. They can go on for a while.

It's amazing how unfair the world almost tries to be. Someone seems to do a huge, terrible thing and people let that go. But you, or I, do one little thing, or even nothing at all, and it get's a loud, unfair rebuke, complete with Bible passages and quotes. Doesn't seem fair, does it? Never is. Never will be. At least, on this earth.

When everything around me seems to fall apart, I try really hard to focus on the good things. I'll put on "The Shadow Proves the Sunshine" and listen to it carefully. Then I'll talk to some of my amazingly awesome friends and reminisce of good times. I'll say they're awesome and they say the same thing to me. It helps so much. It brings more joy back into my life. I can see God standing there, arms open wide. He's there because I fell down on my road of life and He is picking me back up. I had a concussion and was in the black for a while. Totally motionless. Then Jesus wakes me up to get me back on track and let life roll on again.

I live for these moments. When I realize how things aren't all in my hands, but in God's. It's always a great eye-opener. I am then so happy to be alive. Going from thoughts of removing myself from everything to being joyous just because I love the feeling.

This, my friends, is what's truly worth living for.


Christi said...

I uh...
I don't know what to say.

Brian said...

Great blog. Continue to blog for Christ.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

grace and peace,

Anonymous said...

Hey cecelia, it's MusicGal from the SF boards/LOBH/etc!

Great post...I know what you mean about listening to "The Shadow Proves the Sunshine." I often have these days when everything's just been crappy all day, and it seems like nothing can possibly go right, so I just sit down and put on some Shadow. (And maybe "The Blues" too, I <3 that song.) Aren't we lucky to have such an awesome favorite band? ;)