Monday, December 22, 2008

letters to the amazing.

Wow, it's been a while. A lot of things have happened, just nothing worth writing about I suppose.

I've been wanting for a long time to write a letter to Switchfoot. I just don't know how. They really have helped me in my life. I can't explain how much they have helped me.

So I wrote out a letter for them, knowing they probably won't ever read it, but it was nice to write just get out there.

Dear Switchfoot,

Over the past 8 months, I have seen more spiritual growth in my life than ever before. The reason I say 8 months is because 8 months ago, I saw you guys and came home a Switchfoot fam. I thought my Switchfoot "high" would be over in 2 weeks. Ah, how silly of me to think that.
After learning so much about you guys, I have learned much about life, myself, and God. I've learned how to love people better, how to understand God more, how to stand up to the giants in both spiritual and physical realms. All of it. Though I give God the ultimate glory, I want to let you know how much you mean to me.
Since becoming a huge fam, I have experienced many amazing things. Things like talking to friends on the boards to actually meeting them and seeing them in person. Then more serious things. I started thinking deeper about life. I never really did before nor did I even think of why. I just knew the rules. But now I think for myself. Instead of taking people's words for it, I go and search things out myself. I like to explore more and more the confines of my broken heart. I've realized just how not-as-fixed-as-I-thought-I-was I really am. I have more passion. I find more beauty. I enjoy God more.
While all this may seem to not really have anything to do with you, it really does. You see, I have seen Christ shine so brightly in you that I can't possibly turn away. I'm mesmerized by the light shining off of you guys. And it makes me want to learn more. I now have a passion for helping people. Because of you guys, I am going on a missions trip to LA next year. I have decided to branch out more in everything that there is. And you guys have greatly influenced that.

A friend told me today that she knew that I was a hardcore Christian and I had God shining through me. She said that I'm "like a Mirror image.... that is if God's reflection was a 16 yr old girl with black hair and glasses". That was literally the first time I cried tears of joy. I was so happy. I have been praying so hard that God would show me that I truly am His, because I find myself so terrible I can hardly believe it. But that just made me sure. I know it did.

I know that you guys have talked about how nothing would make you happier than to have God use you as a tool for His purpose and to further advance His kingdom. Well, I'm living proof that this is true. I used to not care so much because I thought I had it all figured out. Then God used you to prove me wrong.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

God bless every single one of you and your families. I love you all so much.


Even that seems extremely hollow. Words cannot express love, life, God, and the amazingness of Jesus Christ the way that we want them to, most of the time. God has struck me hard lately.

I'm excited about going to bed tonight. That's where I sit and talk to God when the world is quiet and dark and I'm alone with my God. I know He already knows what's going on. I just like to talk to Him, you know?

I feel really bad for the atheists that are missing out. My heart goes out to them. If you know an atheist, talk to them. Don't shove, just talk. You can't be the Holy Spirit, but you can live out Christ as He lives in you. Just as North Coast Calvary Chapel puts it: "Living in Christ. Living out Christ".

Merry Christmas, everybody.

1 comment:

meg said...

i've been to north coast calvary chapel