Thursday, May 1, 2008

A little detail on the greatest night of this year so far.

So as you well know, because if you are reading this, I have made you well aware of it, I went to a Switchfoot show the other day.
This wasn't just any show, they were on tour with To Write Love On Her Arms.
It was really super duper awesome.
The people that was there were me, Celeste, dad, Caleb, Sara, Ryne, Janna, and Meg.
It was basically one of the coolest group of concert people ever.
So yeah, here's the story.

We had to ride with Caleb to fit Sara in the car.
After mixed up messed up directions, we get Sara and start heading towards Asheville.
Of course, we couldn't get there when doors opened, so we got there a little late, but hey, at least we didn't have to wait around.
So the opening band starts off, Civil Twilight, and I liked them, but dad and I were looking at the TWLOHA stuff.
My dad and the dude working it, Chris (he was hott) were talking about the whole organization, but that's a whole other blog.
So yeah, Sara and I were talking and the opening band got done and we were just sitting there until Sara was like "Look look! *points*" and there was Jamie Tworkowski.
That was really awesome.
So we talked to him for like 2 minutes cause he had to go talk and stuff, and then, the show started.
Oh my gosh.
And of course, we were on the side of the stage where Tim Foreman was.
Holy flying cow, he looked so beautiful, I would have guessed that he was sweating glitter.
So I decided to try to get a little closer to the stage and I ended up on the side where Romie was.
He totally looked, pointed, winked, and smiled at me during their set. Haha.
So it was a lot of fun, they did a great show, of course.
I mean, it's Switchfoot, what else do you expect?
So we had a lot of fun and it was like, basically one of the raddest things ever.

So the show was over, and we talked to Jamie some more and got pictures.
So yeah, then Caleb, me, Ryne, Janna, Meg, Sara, and Celeste started talking and Ryne said that Jon was going to be doing an acoustic show that was just him at like a club place.
We all really wanted to go, but it was up to dad.
At the end, the show wasn't really going to happen cause they had a plane to catch.
So yeah, then we heard in order to meet them we had to have a "Friends of the Foot" thing.
Well we waited around and this dude comes over and was like "How many in your group?"
We said "Six."
Then he goes "Six? Perfect, you guys are the next group."
We didn't even have passes!
So we met them and Drew was the first one I talked to and the conversation went like this:
Drew: "Hey nice to meet you."
Me: "You too. My name is Cecelia."
"Sweet. I'm Drew."
"Yeah, I know" (stupid)
"Oh haha."
"Yeah, you're the funny one in all the podcasts."
"Haha, yeah."
So I moved onto Romie, then, TIMOTHY DAVID FOREMAN!!!!!!
So that was cool.
And so my dad was talking to the Foreman's about how we saw them a long time ago and about how much better they were and when they asked how long ago I said I was five, then they looked at me (ahh! haha) and were like "Wow!"
So yeah, it was sweeeeet.
Then we got a couple group photos
and as I was walking off Drew was like
"Bye Cecelia."
me: "bye Drew."
Drew: "Have fun in Italy."
me: *gives confused look*
Drew: "Are you not going to Italy?"
me: "No."
"Oh, I though you said you were going to Italy."
"Haha. Well, I am now."
"Okay, bye."

Hahaha, he's awesome.
So yeah, we had tons of fun, then we went home and stuff.
So it was a blast.
Hope you laughed at least once reading this.


hannah said...

"have fun in italy"

haha, that's awesome.

it sounds like a blast.

Christi said...

thats awesome.