Thursday, April 24, 2008

I feel like I was born for devastation and reform.

So it's 8:18 in the morning, on a Thursday.
That means we haven't started school yet.
Because my mother is wonderful and beautiful.
So yeah anyways, I thought I'd blog about what's going on.

Okay, so my father is making Celeste and Erica quit gym for 3 weeks.
Now for those of you who don't know, when you're as high up as they are and you just "take a break", then you lose all your skills and your body can't hack the gym.
Dad doesn't believe us, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.
So yeah, he's making them quit for "family time."
You know, if he had done this earlier, it would have been way easier.
But now, he has a house-full of angry women and he somehow wants to make things all better by hanging out with us more.
I wish he would see that we didn't mind hanging out with him so much before, but now we really don't want to.
I think that he thinks that this is for the better, but I'm sure he'll realize that it's not.

And I wouldn't be so mad at him if he just quit lying.
The last two days he's lied to Celeste and I.
He told us that Caleb was working, and I talked to Caleb and he's not.
What is up with that?
Why would a father do such a thing?
That makes me sad.
That I don't think he's doing for the better of us.
I don't know why he's doing that though, but it's wrong.
And it's so so so so hard not to get angry.
But anger is a sin and I shouldn't be angry.
I mean, the Bible talks about how our earthly fathers will let us down, but our Father in heaven never will.
And I just need to put my faith in that.
This tribulation shall pass (eventually) and I'm sure that dad will see what he's done.
Well I think that's what I have to say, so if I seem to be morose, that's why.

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