Tuesday, April 29, 2008

So not serious.

I'm bored, and in a very un-serious mood.
So I'm making a list of the people that I think are the best looking from bands/movies.
Three categories: 1)Best Looking, 2) Best Voice and 3) Coolest Brothers.
My favorite of the favs will be at the end.
Here goes:

20. Aaron Gillespie
Aaron Gillespie

19. Patrick Dempsey
Patrick Dempsey

18. Hayden Christensen
Hayden Christensen

17. Long-hair Matt Thiessen.
Matt Thiessen

16. David Duchovney
Fox Mulder

15. Jason Castro
jason castro

14. John Warne

13. Stephen Christian
Stephen Christian from Anberlin

12. Luke Wilson
Luke Wilson

11. Zac Efron
Zac Efron

10. Skeet Ulrich
Skeet Ulrich

9. Tom Welling
Tom Welling

8. Sean Feris
sean feris

7. Ashton Kutcher
Ashton Kutcher

6. Michael Cera
micheal cera

5. Trey Pearson

4. Jon Foreman

3. James Marsden
James Marsden

2. Solomon "Soul Glow Activatur" Olds
soul glow activatur

And the winner of best looking is:

1. Timothy Foreman
tim foreman
Tim Talking!

The awards for Best Voice goes to:

5. Orlando Bloom
Orlando Bloom

4. Johnny Depp

3. Daniel Radcliffe
daniel radcliffe

2. Tim Foreman
Tim Foreman

And the winner of Best Voice is:

1. Rupert Grint
rupert grint

The winners of Coolest Siblings is obviously:

Timothy David & Jonathan Mark Foreman

And my all time favorite:

Timothy David Foreman
tim foreman of switchfoot

So that's it.
Lemme know what you think!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Brand New Day.


I'm waking up
The world is turning
The sun is shining again
I'm holding on
To things I shouldn't
It's time to let them go
I've been on a losing streak
Hit so hard I couldn't speak
But when I hear Your voice it fades away

And I can hear You say
It's a brand new day
The pain goes away
I'm headed for the door
And I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home

Your love, it burns
Away my darkness
You guide me when I'm blind
You are the light
That shines inside me
Showing me I'm
So much more
When I've been on a losing streak
Hit so hard I couldn't speak
But when I hear Your voice it fades away

Take me into Your arms
My home lies within Your heart


Okay, so totally ignore that blog below.
I've decided that I am going to be happy no matter what happens I am going to be happy.
You know, I used to think that I couldn't help my emotions.
But know I see that I can.
I woke up in a crappy mood.
But now, I am really happy.
Because I chose to be.
Thank God for that!
So I'm telling you, you can choose to be happy.
Every day's a new day.
Enjoy the life God has blessed you with.
Whenever you feel morose and nothing seems to be going right, just don't worry, trust God, and chose happiness.
It's way better than any crap mood.
Really, it is.
*does happy dance*
I love this.

I feel like I was born for devastation and reform.

So it's 8:18 in the morning, on a Thursday.
That means we haven't started school yet.
Because my mother is wonderful and beautiful.
So yeah anyways, I thought I'd blog about what's going on.

Okay, so my father is making Celeste and Erica quit gym for 3 weeks.
Now for those of you who don't know, when you're as high up as they are and you just "take a break", then you lose all your skills and your body can't hack the gym.
Dad doesn't believe us, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.
So yeah, he's making them quit for "family time."
You know, if he had done this earlier, it would have been way easier.
But now, he has a house-full of angry women and he somehow wants to make things all better by hanging out with us more.
I wish he would see that we didn't mind hanging out with him so much before, but now we really don't want to.
I think that he thinks that this is for the better, but I'm sure he'll realize that it's not.

And I wouldn't be so mad at him if he just quit lying.
The last two days he's lied to Celeste and I.
He told us that Caleb was working, and I talked to Caleb and he's not.
What is up with that?
Why would a father do such a thing?
That makes me sad.
That I don't think he's doing for the better of us.
I don't know why he's doing that though, but it's wrong.
And it's so so so so hard not to get angry.
But anger is a sin and I shouldn't be angry.
I mean, the Bible talks about how our earthly fathers will let us down, but our Father in heaven never will.
And I just need to put my faith in that.
This tribulation shall pass (eventually) and I'm sure that dad will see what he's done.
Well I think that's what I have to say, so if I seem to be morose, that's why.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Red, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.

So things have been going pretty smoothly for me lately.
That's a really good thing.
Everything is going smoothly, with exceptions, but, eh, what are you gonna do.
Well, as most of you know if you are reading this, I am in my teenage years.
15 years old and all that jazz.
So there's things happening to me often for the first time.
I mean there are not-really-deep-but-seem-that-way things going on such as boys, school, driving, etc.
Then there are things that are like don't-seem-deep-but-are.
For instance, for my 15th birthday I dyed my hair almost black and bleached the bangs.
Then about 2 weeks ago, I dyed the bleached part teal.
I thought it was really awesome, but for many people, things like that raise questions, especially here in the durrty durrty south.
So I wanted to take some time and answer those questions for you, okieday? Here we go..

People all over the place judge one another by looks.
It's shallow, but hey, the Bible talks about it.
1 Samuel 16:7, "Man looks on the outside, but God (best word combination ever!) looks on the heart."
So yes, although it doesn't really matter how we look (unless it is immodest) because God looks on the heart.
To delve a little deeper though, let's say that you are walking out of Hollister with fake-blonde hair and a ton of shopping bags.
What are people's first thought's going to be?
Well, they'll probably go along the lines of "That girls is a stuck-up, rich, spoiled-rotten, cheerleader."
Then they find out that that person was Baptized last Sunday and love Jesus with all their heart mind and soul.
Now, let's look at a different circumstance; let's say you were walking out of a bookstore with a suit and tie and say hello to people as they are walking by.
People's first impressions of that person are going to be pleasant and kind, they might even think that that person is a pastor.
Then come to find out, that person was smiling and happy because he was able to cheat another person into giving him tons of money.
So there's a few things to keep in mind.
As for black and hot pink hair (which I plan on having during the summer), my thinking for it is this.
We are made in God's image.
That doesn't mean that we look like God.
He's a spirit, He doesn't have legs, arms, fingers, toenails, so on and so forth.
We have some of the same characteristics as God.
Creativity is one.
We are all creative in one sense or another.
Many don't think so, but there are so many different kinds of creativity other than just drawing.
To me, when I see someone walking down the street with funky colors in their hair, kinda weird clothing, it shows me that that person is in touch with their (no, not feminine side) creativity.
It shows me that that person put some thought into what they were going to be wearing that day, and what color their hair would be, things like that.
So I think it's good to do weird stuff because it is an art, and we don't come up with art on our own, it's from God, and Him alone.
So that's one thing that I have to say.

Another thing is when Christians do that stuff.
I think that it is a really awesome thing.
I mean, that person would defiantly be under the "freak" category.
That goes to show that God loves the freaks too.
You know?
I mean, to say that Christians should look like this and think like that, that's binding one's conscience.
And it can lead to legalism.
I mean, I think as Christians we shouldn't worry about how we look and just be us.
If you like pink hair and want it for yourself, then don't worry about it.
The Bible never says anything about having weird hair, or weird clothes, or something like that.
I mean, we must be modest and not wear anything inappropriate, but don't worry about wearing black and hot pink with a big guitar on your shirt.
God made you you for a reason.
So that's another thing.

Another thing (and this is the last) is your heart intention on what you are wearing.
If you are wearing your crazy-do just because your parents said no, that is 100% wrong.
You're sinning against your parents and ultimately, God.
If you are wearing that stuff just to test people and make someone angry or instigate a quarrel, that's wrong too.
But if you are wearing weird stuff just because you think the design of the image on it is cool, or because the color schemes look nice, then there's nothing wrong.
There's no sinful heart about it, it's just there.

All that to say, I think that this whole subject is 100% subjective.
I believe that it doesn't matter what you think about this whole thing, as long as you're not binding people's consciences with your beliefs and threatening them with hell.
So that is what I believe.

I hope that answers people's questions who have them, and it'll give you and idea of where I'm coming from.
Thank you much!
Have a happy day!