Tuesday, October 28, 2008

home is where the heart is.

over the river - jon foreman.

Hush, hush, hush, hush...
I heard a sound come from the ground
All of the trees are a buzz
Talking in tongues, talking with lungs
Talking of freedom

All of the earth is soon to give birth
Look at the mountains alive
Birds and the bees, insects and leaves
All of us longing, longing for home
Home, home is somewhere I've never known

Over the river
Over the river
I've set my hope
Over the river
Over the river
I'll find my hope in You, You

Death, where's your sting?
Your signet ring?
Where is your power?
Why all this war?
Death to the score
Nations are fading

Kingdom of light, setting us right
Finally human
Give me a tongue
It will be done
Inside I'm longing, longing for love
Love, love is something I've never known


i love jon foreman. i love the depth he goes to write such profound lyrics. his lyrics speak to me personally, no matter how cheesy that sounds, in so many ways. i love this song and it's message. it's such a message of hope, and at the same time, it's about death. this is a dead and dying world. a fountain with no water that we keep drinking from. the water we get from this world is an illusion and it only dries us out. dries out our hearts, our minds, our souls, our lives. but for the believer, there is no sting. death has no sting upon us. death thinks it wins, but doesn't. how beautiful. something ugly can't affect us if we have Jesus in our lives. if our hope is placed over the river.

that is such a beautiful way to put it, i think. my hope is over the river. at the other end. the place that we don't know, yet we call it home. it's so amazing. my home is somewhere i've never seen, never been, but it's there. "home is where the heart is". that is such a valid statement. if your heart is in things, then it's gonna burn in a lake of fire with those things. but, if your heart is in God, it's going to live forever and forever. it's something that i don't understand and don't have to. all i know is that God is in me and that's really all that matters. i doesn't matter if you are or aren't a calvinist, a baptist, a theologian, whatever. all that matters is that you love God. we should do everything we can to glorify God, and that comes with Him living in us. amazing, isn't it?

i love to, at times, just sit back and look. the world is so confusing to me. i don't understand how it is so ugly and so beautiful. when i'm driving at 5 o'clock with the windows down, not a cloud in the sky, everything is bright and beautiful and i have my music playing, i don't understand how the world is ugly. i guess it's just the people in it. but even then, i see beauty. i see the wrong things in the world and people's actions, and that's ugly. but the creation is beautiful. it was effected by the fall, yes. but God didn't let all of His creation go to sin and darkness. it's so beautiful right now with the fall colors, the leaves coming off the trees, and the sun reflecting off of everything outside. it's gorgeous and sometimes makes me want to shout. it's things like that that make me want to move. no, not break out my killer dance skills, but do something. further advance the Kingdom. tell people, "if you think this is gorgeous, you should see this".

well, i guess that's it for now. life is short, live it well.

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