Friday, May 9, 2008

Woa-oahh bro.

Yeah, that's my saying when people drive crazy on the road.

So I thought I'd talk. I'm quite bored right now.
Okay, as we all know, music is the greatest thing to come along since macaroni and cheese.
Something else we all know is that I am on the hugest Switchfoot obsession to ever be known of by mankind. They are one of the coolest things, to me. I've been listening to them a lot lately, and I decided to go out and get Jon Foreman's Fall & Winter EP's. Wow, that's all I have to say about that. They are really good. So I was going to dig a teeny bit deeper. I went to his MySpace and I read his whole "about me" thing. He was talking about how a lot of the songs he writes are rather sad and a little depressing, and that that was puzzling him because he a really upbeat guy. Then he went on to say that he thinks happiness comes with celebration and jubilation and with others around to be happy with, and that it's easier to write sadder lyrics in solitude. I see that coming out a little more in his songs. There are the ones that are about love and God and salvation and his wife (which, those songs are not family-friendly enough to have on a Switchfoot album. hah) and things like that. Then there are the ones that are about rather sad things, like death, drugs, drinking, evils, and what such. But (yes, I just started a sentence with a conjunction. sue me) when I listen to those, it really gets me thinking about things. Why are we here? What am I going to do when I near my death? The sad things that we don't want to think about, but are really going to happen. Now granted, I know the answers to those questions, but there's a difference between knowing the answer, and understanding. Knowledge is something anyone can do, but understanding things is harder to do. It's hard to understand things that are deep. I believe the way you are able to understand the deep things is by a special revelation from God. So that's what I believe the difference is.

Okay, now that I've had my serious time, we have now come to the segment of the, blog, that's super upbeat. WOO!
So I've been watching some of those Switchfoot podcasts, and that's where most of my funny sayings have been coming from. So, if I'm talking to you and I say one of the following things, it's from a Switchfoot podcast:

1.*with British accent* "But mother! (father, father). But father! I'd rather, I'd rather...nope, nope, nope, cut that out. Not like that you won't."

2. "Yes! No! Yes! No! Bye! Cell! *giggles* Bye! Cell! No! No! No, don't do it!"

3. "Hello? *whipsers* Hello? Is anybody in there? *camera shakes in disagreement* *giggles* "Do you like my bass? *camera nods* Do you think it looks pretty? *camera nods* *giggles* "I love it when the camera talks. *camera nods*"

4. "Woo-ee! She'd make a train take to a dirt road." (That's my favorite.)

5. "You've got a dirty lens boy, get that dirty lens in here, you don't come in here talking with a dirty lens, you've got a dirty lens boy, you've got a freakin' filthy lens, FILTHY lens! *breathes on lens* Now you do have a filthy lens *takes lens off* Okay, now it's clean."

6. *with Arnold Schwarzenegger accent* "Meet the most powerful Mac notebook ever! More muscle without the mass! (softly) that's stupid."

7. "Sorry I'm awesome."

8. "What it does it it creates a siphon of multiplexing imagination and when the atoms and molecules get together they do crazy somersaults. Okay we'll just think of them as somersaults ok? Uhm...but in reality what's happening is the ions are dia--decting and pultiplecting. Diadecting and Pultiplecting. Bam! What they're doing is virtual somersaults."

So those are some, and then there are silly things that those dudes have done that I'd like to accomplish before I die, such as:

1. Ride a pig.

2. Try out for Canadian Idol, whether or not the auditions are open.

3. Feed a Joey (baby Kangaroo).

4. Slide head-first into bowling pins.

5. Go down waterslides with a camera.

6. Play the bass. (I know, not really silly, but it's still a life goal. XD)

That's about all. I gotta go do school now. Later!

1 comment:

Christi said...

you're awesome.
Did you know that?
I definitely loved that 2 and a half hour conversation we had at 11 o'clock at night on Friday.

Oh and btw...Jerome's quote is buy and sell not bye and cell...that's what they do in the stock market.