Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Don't worry, about a thing. Cause every little thing's gonna be alright.

Basically. So, I'm starting to realize more and more how hard it is to be a Christian. I mean, living for Christ is what I aspire to do, but I am still human, and I like to do things where only I benefit. It's really hard to always be happy, kind, gentle, and all that, and I'm realizing that more and more, and more. Then I realize, why stress? I know it's super easy to stress, because we want things to be perfect, but we're missing the picture. God's in control of everything. He's got a perfect plan. So whatever happens, it already is perfect. So I realize, why worry? Why stress? It's not going to fix the problem. It's not going to make things any better. Most importantly though, it's not glorifying God at all. I think that it's actually bringing Him shame. Worrying and stressing is just a waste of time and energy. Whatever happens, happens. There's nothing you can really do about it. All you can do is make light out of the subject. There's no good reason, ever, to be really stressy about something, at least in God's eyes. If you are going to worry about something, then you're not putting your faith in God. Think about it, if your focused about how this thing is going to work out and you're trying to fix it, then you're not putting your faith in God. That's a bad thing (yeah, I know, that sounded like a kindergardener. Well, it's late and I can't find something witty to say). Basically, I went through some awesome songs, and I pulled out some that help me whenever I'm down, not listed in any particular order.

1. Dare You To Move - Switchfoot.

2. Brand New Day - Fireflight.

3. When I Go Down - Relient K.

4. The Shadow Proves the Sunshine - Switchfoot.

5. All Around Me - Flyleaf.

6. Hold On - Stellar Kart.

7. We Are Broken - Paramore.

8. Awakening - Switchfoot.

9. So I Thought - Flyleaf.

10. The Cure For the Pain - Jon Foreman.

11. Never Alone - BarlowGirl.

12. It's Beautiful - Eleventyseven.

13. We Are One Tonight - Switchfoot.

14. Learning How to Die - Jon Foreman.

15. Devastation and Reform - Relient K.

16. Find Me Tonight - Everyday Sunday.

17. This is Your Life - Switchfoot.

18. Shine Like The Stars - Stellar Kart.

19. Replace Me - Family Force 5.

20. The Moon is a Magnet - Jon Foreman.

21. Who I Am Hates Who I've Been - Relient K.

22. Stars - Switchfoot.

23. Unbreakable - Fireflight.

24. Opposite Way - Leeland.

25. Live Like We're Alive - Nevertheless.

26. For the Moments I Feel Faint - Relient K.

27. Meant to Live - Switchfoot.

Yeah, those are some great songs. There are of course more, I just didn't have enough time to look through my whole iTunes library. Haha. So yeah, later.


Christi said...
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Christi said...

Nice Bob Marley quote there.

You're absolutely right about all of that. OH MY GOODNESS GOD IS SO AMAZING!!!!
haha. Sometimes I just need to scream that.

I heart you.
Awesome songs.
Music is incredible.

Jamie Chickawickawoski just posted a bulletin on myspace (yes I was on myspace. I got an e-mail from myspace so I logged on and that was the first bulletin up there so I clicked it. Sue me.) and he totally mentioned a song from Death Cab's new album.